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How do you qualify the factory to make sure their products are on time for delivery and reliable?

How do you qualify the factory to make sure their products are on time for delivery and reliable?

Update Time:2022/9/29
We verify suppliers in many ways. We check their reputation on TYC which is an enterprise's credibility inquire platform, or on the Baidu search engine. And we will also see supplier's store feedback on third marketplaces like Alibaba, 1688. etc.

Our customer representative will follow up orders in different stages of the production to make sure suppliers can deliver the order on time. Moreover, we tell suppliers all requirements before production and inspect the quality after production. Suppliers know we're strict with quality and delivery time.
Discover profitable products and reliable suppliers in China with RND. Our comprehensive services ensure seamless order management, secure and cost-effective shipping, and customized solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. Experience a hassle-free sourcing journey with us!
Contact Info
RM 1213, block B Shuguang Mansion, No. 188 Shangcheng Avenue, Yiwu 322000, China
+86 13858941517
+86 13858941517